Friday, February 28, 2020


About Me

My name is Nick Trusch.  I am a junior at High Point University, in High Point, North Carolina.  I'm from Raleigh, North Carolina.  I am a Strategic Communication major. I enjoy hiking and being out in nature, as well as video games.   I am on the Esports team at HPU for the game League of Legends.  I am an avid lover of politics and debates.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

independent media

Image result for antiwar.comImage result for .dailywireImage result for the american conservative logo

This week I was researching websites that are independent new organizations and antiwar media outlets.  Websites like, The American Conservative, and The Daily Wire.  These websites are independently ran by journalist.  The artistic on these websites feature things not normally seen in normal news media like anti war articles and one of the most important thing, they don't always have a political view on things that they are covering to try and sway it into a certain direction. Sense these websites publish stuff that align with both political parties and their news.  They are smaller than the other news organizations and there for can run how they want and they run to a good degree of satisfaction.  These and other news sites are seeked out every day by people wanting a nonbasic new source that they can trust.  The Voices on these sites are not normally shared because, they don't go along with the narrative that some stations want for events.  Independent news organizations have been growing faster and faster over the years and it does not look like they will stop anytime soon.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Trump Acquitted of Impeachment

Trump Acquitted of Impeachment

Image result for trump acquitted

On February 5, 2020, President Donald J. Trump was acquitted of of both articles during his impeachment trail.  After weeks of tense debates and trails the House of Representatives voted on articles of impeachment for President Trump.  Unlike other impeachments and how they were suppose to be, this vote was 100% on party lines.  All  Republican voted no and every Democrat voted yes.  Than the democrats tried to say that this is a very sad time, very somber, unfortunate.  But than you also have a lot of the Democrats already calling for Trump's impeachment right after he won the election.  Members of the democrat side of congress like Rashida Tlaib, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Candice Owns; the list goes on.   The Democrats know that they wanted Trump impeached from the moment he was democratically elected.  They have been looking for a a way to impeach him, with Russia, Stormy Daniels, and now the Ukraine scandal.  Trump used his power of a quid pro quo to have the Ukrainians investigate Hunter Biden and why he was on their gas company board.  He was in his right to do so but the democrats tried to make it a bigger deal than it was.  he was convicted on party lines and acquitted on them too, minus Senator Mitt Romney of Utah who voted yes.  Everyone with a brain know that Trump was not going to get charged and removed from office.  The senate needed 2/3rds votes to convict him and didn't even get 50% .  The impeachment event was just a Hugh waste of Taxpayer's dollars and time that our government could have put to doing their jobs and passing laws and regulations.  I am glad that Trump was acquitted so we can move past this now.  I do also find it very funny that he did that same thing that President Truman did with holding up a news paper saying he lost the election, but in Trump's case he was acquitted.  I know that the democrats are going to try and use this against him in the coming election, but it just raised his poll numbers.  I wonder if the dems. are going to try to impeach him again before November.  Only Time will tell how everything plays out for the future of our country and the office of the President.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Supreme Court

Image result for supreme court current justices"

The Highest Court in the Land.  Coveted by many and benched by few.  A model to high courts threw out the world.  The Supreme court, for over 200 years has safe guarded liberty, preserved the union, and upheld the rule of law.  There have only been 102 Justices to serve on the court sense it was founded in March of 1789.  The court holds the special power to strike down a law from congress or an Executive Order, if they deem it unconstitutional.  On the court, sits 9 judges, also know as Justices.  They are appointed by the President of the United States when a seat is open, and its a life time possession.  They are replaced when they decide to step down from service or die.  They receive thousands of  cases every year from prisoners, people in government, businesses, and regular people all over the country every year, but only hear from about 100 of them a year.  Some of the courts land mark cases, that have change history are Marbury vs. Madison which gave the court the right to strike down any law as unconstitutional.  Dread Scott vs. Sandford which said that slave owners could bring their slaves into western territories.   Brown vs. Board of Education, which said that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.  All 9 Justices on the court have different backgrounds, different political ideologies, all with the same goal in mind.  To uphold the Constitution of the United States of America no matter what.

The Supreme Court on State Aid to Religious Schools

The case before the Supreme Court could expand upon a 2017 ruling that Missouri had violated the First Amendment by barring religious institutions from a state program to make playgrounds safer.

On January 22, 2020, the Supreme Court in Washington DC, on the height of the Trump impeachment trail had another case burring that could effect the future of private schools.  Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., had another case on his mind during the trail, Should the government be allowed to fund private religious schools.  "I wonder," the chief justice said, "if there's a difference between general funding of the public schools and the decision to provide aid to private schools, except not religious schools."  Justice Stephen G. Breyer, a liberal on the court ask a similar one.  The main argument was if private schools received state aid, than private religious schools should too.  This case revolves around Montana, and their 2015 decision "to provide parental and student choice in education."  The state received the money threw donations from people that was written off as tax credit, and it provided scholarships for students to go to private schools.  94% of the scholarships went to religious schools.  This can be seen as a problem because, it violated the state's constitution for giving money and aid to any "church, school, academy, seminary, college, university, or other literary or science institution, controlled in whole or in part by any church, sect or denomination."  Because of this, the Montana Supreme court ruled in shutting down the whole program weather it be a religious institution or not.  They did this to seem fair in their decision and to not violate the state's constitution.  This meant that no scholarship money would be given out to the any students for private schools.  This whole issue is just interesting in the fact that should states or the federal government be allowed to give scholarship and aid to private religious schools and non religious schools.  This would help so many students and their families to send them to be educated.  This issue still seems like it has a ways to go but I am for this being a policy.