Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Supreme Court

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The Highest Court in the Land.  Coveted by many and benched by few.  A model to high courts threw out the world.  The Supreme court, for over 200 years has safe guarded liberty, preserved the union, and upheld the rule of law.  There have only been 102 Justices to serve on the court sense it was founded in March of 1789.  The court holds the special power to strike down a law from congress or an Executive Order, if they deem it unconstitutional.  On the court, sits 9 judges, also know as Justices.  They are appointed by the President of the United States when a seat is open, and its a life time possession.  They are replaced when they decide to step down from service or die.  They receive thousands of  cases every year from prisoners, people in government, businesses, and regular people all over the country every year, but only hear from about 100 of them a year.  Some of the courts land mark cases, that have change history are Marbury vs. Madison which gave the court the right to strike down any law as unconstitutional.  Dread Scott vs. Sandford which said that slave owners could bring their slaves into western territories.   Brown vs. Board of Education, which said that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.  All 9 Justices on the court have different backgrounds, different political ideologies, all with the same goal in mind.  To uphold the Constitution of the United States of America no matter what.

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