Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Trump Acquitted of Impeachment

Trump Acquitted of Impeachment

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On February 5, 2020, President Donald J. Trump was acquitted of of both articles during his impeachment trail.  After weeks of tense debates and trails the House of Representatives voted on articles of impeachment for President Trump.  Unlike other impeachments and how they were suppose to be, this vote was 100% on party lines.  All  Republican voted no and every Democrat voted yes.  Than the democrats tried to say that this is a very sad time, very somber, unfortunate.  But than you also have a lot of the Democrats already calling for Trump's impeachment right after he won the election.  Members of the democrat side of congress like Rashida Tlaib, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Candice Owns; the list goes on.   The Democrats know that they wanted Trump impeached from the moment he was democratically elected.  They have been looking for a a way to impeach him, with Russia, Stormy Daniels, and now the Ukraine scandal.  Trump used his power of a quid pro quo to have the Ukrainians investigate Hunter Biden and why he was on their gas company board.  He was in his right to do so but the democrats tried to make it a bigger deal than it was.  he was convicted on party lines and acquitted on them too, minus Senator Mitt Romney of Utah who voted yes.  Everyone with a brain know that Trump was not going to get charged and removed from office.  The senate needed 2/3rds votes to convict him and didn't even get 50% .  The impeachment event was just a Hugh waste of Taxpayer's dollars and time that our government could have put to doing their jobs and passing laws and regulations.  I am glad that Trump was acquitted so we can move past this now.  I do also find it very funny that he did that same thing that President Truman did with holding up a news paper saying he lost the election, but in Trump's case he was acquitted.  I know that the democrats are going to try and use this against him in the coming election, but it just raised his poll numbers.  I wonder if the dems. are going to try to impeach him again before November.  Only Time will tell how everything plays out for the future of our country and the office of the President.  

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