Tuesday, February 18, 2020

independent media

Image result for antiwar.comImage result for .dailywireImage result for the american conservative logo

This week I was researching websites that are independent new organizations and antiwar media outlets.  Websites like Antiwar.com, The American Conservative, and The Daily Wire.  These websites are independently ran by journalist.  The artistic on these websites feature things not normally seen in normal news media like anti war articles and one of the most important thing, they don't always have a political view on things that they are covering to try and sway it into a certain direction. Sense these websites publish stuff that align with both political parties and their news.  They are smaller than the other news organizations and there for can run how they want and they run to a good degree of satisfaction.  These and other news sites are seeked out every day by people wanting a nonbasic new source that they can trust.  The Voices on these sites are not normally shared because, they don't go along with the narrative that some stations want for events.  Independent news organizations have been growing faster and faster over the years and it does not look like they will stop anytime soon.




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