Sunday, May 3, 2020

Diffusion of Innovations

Tinder on the App Store

I am choosing to write about the dating app Tinder.  Tinder is the most popular and used online dating app used today.  It is used by people of all ages 18+.  Tinder was founded in Los Angeles, in 2012 by Sean Rad, Jonathan Badeen, Justin Mateen, Joe Munoz, Dinesh Moorjani, and Whitney Wolfe.  The app was marketed to young adults and has spread world wide.  It helped revolutionized the dating scene by having people do 3 simple steps.  Post pictures on their account of themselves and make a short bio, you and others swipe on people's photos left for people you don't like and right you do, and finally message the people you match with.  It brought the world of online dating to thousands of people in an instant.  No more the times of making the online profiles on your computer, you could be on your phone walking, at work or university, or board at home looking at men and women you might want to date.  It made the dating scene so easy for young adults because they didn't have to go out every night to bars and clubs, they could do it from their own home in their pajamas, on the couch.  Some of the downsides to this thought, as we get older as a generation that use this (younger people), we could not devolve the social skills to actually go out and talk to people face to face at clubs or bars.  Not to mention you can photoshop your self or not post a real picture of you to try and catfish people, which have been done in the past.  Because of this, you don't even know who you are really meeting if you do go on a date or meet up with your match.  There have been some rare occurrences where people lure men and women out to commit crimes to them, from robbery, kidnap, rape and in some rare cases, murder.  But through it all, Tender has changed the way we do and see online dating on multiple levels, and there is no sign of it slowing down.

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