Sunday, May 3, 2020

Values of Free Exspression

Eight Values of Free Expression

I believe that promote innovation is the most important one the eight values.  With out it with the freedom of speech, there would be little to no individuality along with multiple interest in different ideas and ways of thinking.  There may not be freedom of religion or press.  We would all be told the same thing and think the same.   Like in Nazi Germany or in North Korea of all places.   

I think the most inspiring value is Individual Self-Fulfillment.  It lets us express ourselves in any way we want, and in any form we want.  It lets us have voices threw ourselves not through speaking, but through showing with our ideas, actions, what we ware and do.  It gives us a freedom to be ourselves without judgment. 

I feel that Stable Change is the most underrated one of the eight values of free expression.  The ability to speak one's mind and vent helps people everyday and it kinda goes unnoticed.  This is true for everyone.  A good example is girls venting to other girls about how "terrible" their ex was for dumping them.  Or for gamers for how terrible a teammate is or their last game was.  

The most meaningful to me would be Protect Dissent.  It allows us to have our different opinions and not be targeted or punished for them.  It helps us have freedom of religion and why we have multiple religions in the US and no set religion by the Government.  It lets us be able to make any kind of music or art, movies, literature ect. without recuse from people in power to punish us.  It also lets us question the government and criticize them if we don't agree with that they are doing.  This is how we are protected both as private citizens and in the news media.  

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