Monday, May 4, 2020

My online Foot Print

Facebook - Free social media icons
Instagram on the App Store

How large is my online foot print?  That is a hard question to ponder, because I regally use social media, but I post stuff every now and then.  I know the earliest picture of me was in 2012 when I made an account with my friend Parker in middle school and that was the first photo on my Facebook and the first I ever posted, you can still find it on google imagoes if you type in Nick Trusch Facebook.  From there I have posted alot of stuff, from memes, to political videos and pictures based off my views, updates of my personal life, and funny videos. For sure facebook has my biggest online footprint and most used.  I also have a Linkedin that I use for internships and business stuff but not much is on it besides my resume.  My Twitter that I made for American Politics class has little to nothing on it, I just made it because it was required and we got updates from our professor on it.  My Instagram is my second most used social media after Facebook.  On my Instagram, Post there every now and than, mostly for big changes in life or memories I want to keep and share.  I have photos of trips and vacations, and end of the year post of all my years in college, and some hangout with friends.  I don't really post that much so that mostly just it.

If someone would visit my Instagram, they would first need to send me a friend request, because I have it on private just like all my social media accounts.  I have them all set to private so i can see who friends me and if I know them or not.  If i accept their friend request, They would see i'm into politics, care for my family and friends deeply, and love to laugh at funny video and memes related to pop culture references and history. 

When it comes to giving out your Email, to different sites for stuff i have a person email I use for for work, banking, and important information.  Than I have another for all the websites I have accounts on for social media, Streaming, and gaming.  I do this to separate my important stuff to the websites i use more often, and so my person information I care about is safe on the private email I use.

I personally feel to me that social media helps people who could or would feel isolated and depressed.  it gives them a way to connect not only to people they know around the world and keep up with whats going on in the world, but to connect to a multitude of different people.  Find a group of people who share their hobby or interest, to their favorite music, to even a group of people who share their favorite food.  There is a group out there for everyone on social media, you just have to search for it and it will be there.

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