Monday, May 4, 2020

EOTO Part 1 - Propaganda

What is propaganda - information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Propaganda is usually used by governments and businesses to push their agenda on to their peeople and consumers.  It can be good, bad and neutral.  There are millions of examples of propaganda used from ads you see to speeches, to clothing.  Everything contains a message, and the people creating it, us it the push their agenda, weather it be selling burgers, cars, perfumes, an inferior race, violence or a new way of life.  One of the biggest times, propaganda is used is during conflict.  War is just that time.  Like looking too World War 2.  We had hundreds of propaganda from "We want you", Uncle same(The spirit of America) telling the American people that we want them to come and join the fight.  There was also if not the most famous, the second most with Rosie the Riveter, saying "We Can Do It!".  This poster was to help get women to work in the factories while all the men were out at war.  It was to promote the women to do their part and work together.  These are positive versions of propaganda.  Another and probably the biggest thing this caused was the rise of women working and wanting to stay in  work after the war.  This help relonch the women's suffrage movement and brought a rise to women in the workplace well after the war.    Another view of propaganda that was seen by some as negative and some as good was the ad, "When you ride ALONE you ride with hitler!"  This was to spread fear into the US populations and tell them that we need alot of gas for the war effort, if your not ridding with others, you are helping the enemy by not sharing gas with others.  It was to promote coming together as a community, but some felt that it could ostracize them or others.
The Propaganda Posters That Won The U.S. Home Front | History News ... Rosie the Riveter Inspired Women to Serve in World War II > U.S. ...WWII Propaganda Facts | What Is Propaganda? | DK Find Out

Even american companies got in on the World War 2 propaganda like Disney and the comic book industry.  In the world of comics, Captain America  was created to help bring entertainer and joy to people in the US as well as the make propaganda.  Captain America was a true All American who fought and help defeat the Nazis and Hitler.  With Disney on the other hand, if you ask most boomers and people, they might say that saw the cartoon or know about it.  The cartoon being when Donald Duck had a dream he was a Nazi in Germany.  The cartoon was call Donald Duck in Nutzi land.  It was so popular that after a while they changed the name of it to The Fuehrer's Face when a song in the cartoon became a hit with the public.  The film was funny to the people at the time and it still is today.  It brought the serous tenants of Hitler's Nazism to absurdities.  The cartoon also give all of us American a chance to think about and our freedom and rights we take for garnet.    It even won the Academy Award as Best Animated Short Subject of 1943.  The cartoon showed Donald being over worked in a Nazi factory with no breaks, along with showing that the Nazis had little food as well as had terrible living conditions.  The cartoon also makes it very apparent to make fun of the fact that the Nazis say Heil Hitler an absurd amount of times to the point that its just funny.  At the end of the cartoon Donald wakes up from his nightmare and he finds that is in American in America and he is so relieved to be.

Propaganda would affect people of the middle to lower class more than the upper class.  The upper class are normally the ones who are making the propaganda to persuade the lower classes that they need this or that in order to survive or to stay up to date on the latest trends or why you should vote for me over my opponent.  Along with this, some propaganda can develop fear by mistake or get taken out of hand, like with the Salem Witch Trails, or the Red Scare.  Or the rounding up of Japaneses Americans during World War 2 after Purl Harbor was bombed.  Not only in the US, but all over the world, the propaganda the government feed its citizens, is what they will normally go with and make their fears and beliefs off of.  I am apart of the middle class, so it could effect me on how I get my information from the news.  I take news media from sources of both sides of the ail politically and from some independent news outlets.   I do believe though that there is a new wave of socialism that is slowly taking control of your adults in different parts of the country, and I hope that one day those people will see what is really going on in the agenda of the people they follow to take their rights away and give more control to the government which is not what we need in this country, especially when it comes to language and affecting the first amendment.  Only time will tell how this will content to go in the future.

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