Monday, May 4, 2020

My Time Playing League of Legends for High Point University

Game on: Their students play video games, so colleges embrace ...Club Sport: E-Sports - High Point University

At High Point University, over the last 2 years, I have been apart of the League of Legends esports team.  It was only a year old when I joined the second semester of my sophomore year.  It was only the five of us and than the 8 people on the Overwatch team that made up the esports club at school.  Than at the start of this year, we grew exponentially.  Working with both the school of communication and president Qubein, we had a new arena build in the comm building, new gaming PCs, 8 different games under the sports club, along with over 140 different members.  All of this in just the course of 3 years now.

We had some many different people from different backgrounds all coming together to play the games they love for the school we all go too.  We participated in tournaments, lands, and even competitions at over schools.  But with all the people, and being at HPU, me and others knew that there would be some people who think they are better than the rest and DAMMMMM, was drama caused.  We had favoritism and infighting between the caption of the Rambow 6 teams who thought he was the most important person in the room because his parents are rick and he is a VIF.  But he soon found out that just because you come from money, and get special treatment from the staff at HPU, does not mean you get it all the time.  He was forced out of his position and soon kicked out of the Esports club all together, all because he could not admit he was wrong and was a jerk to most people. 

Thank came the League of Legends team, the one i'm on.  We had 3 teams originally at the start of the year, than it shrank own to two by mid October.  The Varsity team had alot of infighting with its players causing 3 to leave the team and 1 to leave the game all together.  I was on B team at the time and  because of these events, me and 4 others from both teams were moved up to the varsity team. 

The way league of Legends works is, its a team game with two teams of five members fighting it out on 1 map.  There are 3 lanes and a jungle, and each player plays a certain role in the game.  Top lane if a solo lane where normally a player plays a tank type of champ, the jungle has one of the most important jobs and thats to travel around the map unbalancing the lanes in favor of their team, to make a 1v1 turn into a 2v1.  The mid lane is another 1v1 lane where they fight and roam to help top and bot and to help jungle take objectives on the map.  The bot lane is the only two person lane where its a 2v2.  A support (my role) and an ADC (Attack Damage Carry).  my job as support is the help the ADC get kills on the other team and our lane opponents and to keep him alive.  We all work together to destroy the enemy nixes/base.  This is probably the best way I can explain it without going on for 3 pages. I'll post a link to a video better explaining it.  But back to the story. 

When we got moved up, there was me and another support main fighting for the spot and she went as low as starting rumors about me and another player to get us suspended or kicked off the team.  And to make matters worse she did this when she knew as well as everyone elts that I was up visiting my sick grandmother in Virginia for 5 day during January, so I came back to a message from my team caption (who was really close friends with the other support player)  that I was banned from the area and practice until further notified, and he would not tell me anything as to why.  So I did the logical thing and go over his head by messaging the head of the esports club directly.  He told me to go to practice and he would handle it.  I find out that when I get to the arena, that every member of the team is having a private meeting with the coach, head of esports and the LoL( league of legends) captain.  It turned out she made these commits about me, were made with me not even being there or causing them in the first place.  I was assured that I would not be in trouble for anything, but that everyone on the LoL team had to be nicer and sign a stick contract because of the incident. 

Everything returned to semi normal after that, but i lost trust in the individual completely after this, and so did others on the team.  Into our season we work all working together fine until spring break and eventually Covid-19 caused the season to be canceled.  I made new friends on the LoL team at HPU and found a new love for competition too.  I continue to play even now and through the summer to get my spot back on the varsity team for next school year, if we are on campus that is, haha.  I continually stride to get better, and i know the other girl who wanted my spot and still wants it is playing for the same goal, but for the first year of the new official esports club, it was a wild one.  I know for sure that we will have more drama, because lets face it, some students at HPU think they are the best ect, and will have those big personalities or more infighting between players.  But this year and the LoL team has help shape and show the heads of the esports club how we can better handle and address it into the future.


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